Can Cats Cry? -Reasons Why a Cat Would Tear Up

Can Cats Cry?

It is normal to wonder whether your cat can cry or not. Human beings cry for several reasons, so inquiring whether your feline friend can cry is nothing out of the ordinary.

In this article, we will discuss whether a cat can cry, why it cries, how it works, and what you can do about it.

Can cats cry?

Cats do cry, albeit differently from human beings. Their eyes do not tear up when they cry and they won’t be whining and shedding big tears like a human would do. Their eyes can water up though from pain or other reasons.

Do not, therefore, confuse your cat’s tearing up for an emotional reaction.

Cats are very capable of feeling deep and intense emotions such as sadness though, they just don’t express grief the same way a human would.

Cats’ eyes only water when they have an eye injury, illness, or when they are exposed to a number of irritants or allergens.

A cat’s cry is quite distinct from the normal meowing.

However, do not freak out; there are several things that you can do to help your cat.

How do cats cry?

Now that you know that your cat won’t produce tears as it cries, you should learn how to identify a crying cat.

Simple. Your cat will produce a distinct vocalization, such as a yowling sound of someone in distress.

You will also notice a definite change in the meowing pattern, which becomes frequent and deep.

Why do cats cry?

Cats cry because of several reasons. Some of these reasons apply to all cats, while others to kittens.

Look out for the following if you notice that your cat is crying:

i) Stress

Stress is one of the reasons why cats cry. It is quite reasonable since most human beings also cry when they are stressed out.

One of the main reasons why cats and other domesticated animals end up stressed is because of a change in the environment.

This is as simple as introducing a new pet. Your cat will, therefore, cry when its space is intruded either by a different pet.

Other causes of stress include moving into a new home or a loss of a companion.

ii) Loneliness

Cats cry when they feel lonely to seek attention from their pet parent. Most cats also cry to initiate play or bonding sessions with their owners once they feel alone.

However, it would help if you left the cat to settle before beginning the bonding or play session.

iii) Hunger

Your cat will rapidly meow when hungry. Remember, cats are different from human beings and therefore rely on sounds to communicate how they feel.

Most of the time, cats meow at their pet parents when they hold certain foods to signify hunger.

iv) Greetings

Who said that pets only cry when something terrible happens?

Your cat will meow hard and rapidly in a crying tone when you come home, which usually serves as a welcome greeting.

Therefore, do not worry when your cat produces a distinct meow when you come back in the evening. However, such cries do not last long, and if they do, look out for other reasons.


Your cat will also cry when in pain.

You must have witnessed your cat producing a shrill agonizing sound when someone accidentally steps on its tail.

It is always awful to accidentally hurt your cat, but it can happen that you almost step on it’s tail by accident, so always be extra careful when walking around your little friend.

They sometimes fall asleep on the floor in the strangest places, so keep aware and cautious.

This is one of the reasons why it is advisable that you first check for bruises or injuries when you hear a consistent cry.

cat with closed eyes. grey cat sad. sad grey cat. sad striped cat outside. can cats cry tears?
can cats cry?

Why do kittens cry?

Kittens cry for several reasons. One of these is due to hunger. A kitten will meow hard and long at the mother if it wants food, directing the mother to initiate a feeding session.

Do not freak out if you hear your young cats crying at night. It will stop the moment feeding commences.

Kittens also cry when they are cold. Motherly warmth is everything to young ones, including human beings.

It is, therefore, reasonable for kittens to cry when they crave maternal warmth and attention.

Lastly, kittens cry when they feel scared, which happens because of several reasons, including the invasion of their home.

Since they cannot adequately defend themselves, they depend on the mother for reassurance.

Does crying intensify with age?

You may be wondering whether your cat’s crying is as a result of age.

Well, aging causes excessive vocalizations in cats.

Senior cats, therefore, risk experiencing cognitive dysfunction that causes mental confusion.

Therefore, it is true that age can influence crying in cats.

Can cats cry because of a health issue?

Well, just like humans, cats do cry to show discomfort. Illnesses such as kidney diseases can, therefore, make your cat cry.

Your cat will also cry when it is injured. Therefore, do not treat it lightly when your cat cries.

Check over it carefully to try and figure out why your cat would be distressed and possibly be in any pain.

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What should I do when my cat is crying?

You need to attend to your crying cat. Remember, cats also cry because of loneliness, which can be easily cured by making yourself available.

However, first, pass your hands over the cat’s body and look for wounds, lumps, or lesions.

You can also check your cat’s mouth, nose, or eyes if there is a discharge of any kind.

Also, check whether your cat is breathing properly. If you find that everything is intact, then your cat may be crying because of external reasons.

However, do not make your cat feel bad for crying when it is a normal phenomenon. If you notice that your cat is crying because of a change in the environment, take some time and ascertain the exact reason.

Maybe you can do something to make your cat feel better, or make it feel more comfortable.

We all want our little friend to feel as happy as possible.

You could take it back to the original room if you switched places.

Also, moving your cat to a secure location such as your room may help settle issues if the cause is anxiety.

You can consult a cat behaviorist if you notice that the situation is worsening.

If the crying persists even after identifying and rectifying the cause, you can visit a vet who is in a better position to help you.

Lastly, cats make deep crying-like sounds when they want a mating partner, and therefore, you may need to neuter or spay your cat.


Cats cry because of several reasons.

You should, therefore, determine the cause and find a way of helping your cat.

However, you can consult a behaviorist or vet if the crying persists. Finally, never reprimand your cat for crying.

Now that we have answered the question of “can cats cry”?, you may also enjoy reading about why cats chirp.

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Author: Cathour

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