Why Do Cats Hate Water So Much?

why do cats hate water?

Why do cats hate water, because they have never really known water and it is an alien concept to them.

However cats are intelligent and adaptable and this is proved by the exception to the rule: the Turkish swimming cats written about by travel writer Paul Theroux who noted them swimming off the rocks on the coast of Turkey in order to catch their food, and ultimately survive.

Domestic Cats and Water

Humans have had a long association with cats indeed, and in the early days cats were mostly Domestic Short Hair breeds.

The first cat show in the United States was held in 1895 at Madison Square Garden and prior to that a national cat club had been formed.

In order to show the cats at these events, the cats had to be well groomed and looking their best. In 1910 the Governing Council of Cat Fanciers was formed and took over the registration of cats, and to this day it has a strong influence in controlling modern cat shows.

A cat is a creature of habit and if they get used to being groomed for the cat show, and in order to get them ready it is a good idea to start bathing them early.

Use a baby bath or a plastic bowl with warm water, not too hot, and don’t put any human product in your cat’s fur.

Cats lick themselves a lot so it is dangerous to their health to use any human shampoo. There are many shampoos that have been especially formulated for these animals and just leave them to dry naturally or in front of a heater.

The cat will probably spend the rest of the day licking and grooming itself. It is not bad for a cat to be bathed and they can get used to it, but if you are not taking your cat to the cat shows it is probably not worth the effort. Unless your cat is incredibly dirty of course.

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Not All Cat Breeds Hate Water

As mentioned before these cats that enjoy swimming are called the Turkish Van.

They originated on the shores of a lake in Turkey and are Angora looking almost in presentation. They are an active cat with lovely white semi-long hair and bushy red/auburn colored tail.

These cats run into the water and swim around all on their own and from choice. When taken to another environment they still swim and it is definitely bred into their genetics and personality. (1.)

They will get into your swimming pool and fold their ears backwards, flat against the head when swimming. When they get out of the water they then shake themselves like a dog would!

The cats were found in Turkey in 1955 and a pair were taken to Britain where they were bred, and they have been found to be extremely intelligent animals and devoted to their “owners”.

Around the coastline there are many cats living near the beach, and although they don’t all swim like the Turkish Van they adapt to life near the ocean.

In India there is a small wild cat, called the Fishing Cat (Prionailurus Viverrinus), it is quite a long cat and has adapted to the ocean.

In Ceylong it was observed on a sand bank scooping fish out of the water with its front paw and webbing was noted between the toes of the cat, which means it has adapted genetically to this specific task. It will actually wade right into water and dive for its food if it has to.

Purely amazing.

So Why Do Cats Hate Water?

A Cat’s Fur Is Less Waterproof Than a Dogs

Like most of us have witnessed, cats clean themselves and lick their fur to groom it and keep it sparkling.

They are not used to being exposed to water in the same way many other animals are, and as a result of this their fur is less waterproof and it feels heavier and more weighed down if they get in water. They also get colder faster which is very unpleasant.

They Are Not Used To Being In Water

In ancient times in China the cat was often thought to be the reincarnation of an important person and the cat was treated with a lot of reverence and sometimes even given jewels to wear.

In ancient Egypt on the death of a cat, the whole house went into mourning and embalmed the cat.

The cats were mummified and wrapped in conventional style with a linen weave. In the middle ages cats were thought to have nine lives, and often thought to be a human in the body of a cat and may even be haunted.

In those days cats were not bathed or threatened with water and the only time that they would have encountered water was when someone was trying to drown them in it.

Not all cats need water to get clean as they are perfectly capable of cleaning themselves and many cats spend hours every day making sure that they are perfectly groomed from top to toe….or paw.

These days we are much more kind and loving in general to our animals and the cat has become an important part of domestic life.

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Water Weights Them Down

Felines are famous for being agile and light on their feet.

Their dexterity knows no limits and they are used to being light on their feet and running or jumping around without being held back by anything.

But, when a cat gets soaked their fur is suddenly much heavier and limits their mobility dramatically from what they are used to, which can not feel good at all and invoke a feeling of drowning even.

If you have ever had to swim in your clothes then this feeling must be very familiar to you, but it feels awful and being weighed down in water is a truly horrible feeling so it makes sense that cats would want to avoid it.

Bad Experiences With Water

Just like with us humans, a single bad experience in a cat’s youth with a particular thing can make them fear it for life.

Many people simply don’t know how to bathe a cat, and will try to force a cat to have a bath or just do it horribly wrong.

This can affect a cat negatively and make them detest water for the rest of their lives as it is something they have learned to fear and hate.

water can make cats feel like they are powerless and don’t have any control which any animal would hate experiencing.

Cat Dominance

In an enclosed area an order of cat hierarchy will be formed without a doubt.

The top cat will sit at the highest level and be the dominant cat in the pecking order. In a place like a cat sanctuary or an animal shelter where food is available all around, there is very little aggression among the cats.

If you get your cat from an animal shelter make sure that he is healthy and strong and when you take him home brush his coat regularly to remove any excess fur and loose hairs.

He shouldn’t need to be bathed in water very often, as he should be able to keep himself clean and will have a long and healthy life with the right care and love.

You can tell a lot about the cats health from the condition of their coat and skin, so when you get your cat home, get the vet to check it out and to make some recommendations about immunization and worming.

Bathing Your Cat

If the cat comes into contact with a sticky or toxic substance or becomes very dirty you can bathe him.

You may need to use a cat flea or tick control shampoo that is fit for this purpose, and if you live in a “tick” area this is very important.

Do not use dog products on your cat as these would be too toxic and intense for your little kitty.

Use a jug or a container for pouring rinsing water over your cat. If the cat is very stressed it may take some time and two people to bathe him. Don’t force your cat to take a bath though, if he is terrified and wait until another day if this is the case.

Remember to have the water warm, not hot and you might need some food treats to entice him and calm him down.

If you are washing the full area avoid the head, as you do not want to get soap in his eyes. Rinse the shampoo off, and if required use a cat conditioner to make him nice and soft again.

Get him used to it early so that he will know what to expect. Dry his fur off with a soft cozy towel, and then he will probably start to lick himself again.

Also read our ultimate guide on how to bathe a cat right here!

kitten afraid of water. why are cats scared of getting wet? cats afraid of water.

The Indoor Cat

If you have an indoor cat you will probably have answered the question of why cats hate water yourself to some degree.

If your cat is sleeping on your bed, it is really important that his coat is clean and you will probably already have started the bathing routine if he tends to become very dirty on his own.

Cats can live a happy life in the house, but will need quite a few toys to keep themselves busy. You should make sure your cat has enough toys to not become bored or agitated, and you can even make some cat toys yourself from the simplest of materials such as a string and a stick.

Also make sure you have a good scratching pole to make their lives more interesting and to keep them from ruining your furniture with their claws.

Sometimes it is better to have two cats, as if you are at work all they then they can play together.

Bu a couple of toy cat mice from the pet store and the cats will spend hours throwing them up in the air and trying to catch them.

It is adorable to watch too.

The Outdoor Cat

Cats love to be outside in the sun, and if you are in a tick or flea area you will certainly need the monthly bath as this is a way of applying the tick or flea rinse.

Make sure that your cat is in at night as this is when they turn into predators and kill the wild life.

They can also get into territorial disputes and have damaging fights with other cats who may carry some diseases. If you don’t want your cat to sleep inside, there are some very cute cat houses available including a muldi-kitty-A-Frame.

These are in “kit” form and you could try building one. I recommend always letting your cat sleep inside though as it is much safer and better for them.

As long as your cat is safe and warm they will be okay sleeping in a soft box in the laundry room.

Do make sure your cat doesn’t accidentally get stuck inside the laundry machine though.

There are people who will come to your house and build a cat resort or backyard enclosure for your cat, including open netted areas where the cat can see the birds flying past without actually attacking them.

If the enclosure is large enough and the cat has adequate shelter then they can often live there nearly all the time, except when they are in the house with you.


In certain climates and zones it is important to get your cat used to bathing, not too often, to get rid of all the dirt, fleas and ticks.

If you start this process when they are kittens they will get used to it and tolerate it better, but probably not like it much.

You want the best for your cat, so consult the vet about what to wash them with, the products that will get rid of fleas and ticks, as this is much better and safer than getting them to swallow a pill which can be really hard work.

Now that you have read all about “why do cats hate water so much?”, and read all about cats and water, you may also enjoy reading our article about if cats can eat cheese.

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Author: Cathour

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