How To Get Rid of Stray Cats?

how to get rid of feral cats?

How to get rid of stray cats?

It is the subject many of us have wondered about. However, another question should be asked as well, how did they become street cats in the first place?

Let’s see!

Stray cats are known to many individuals as “feral cats” as they are animals that have returned to a semi-wild state. Some of these felines come from domestic cats that have been lost or have even been abandoned by their owners sadly.

They can also be the descendants of wild cats that have learned to survive in the wild on their own, in private or public spaces.

By nature, they are very territorial and independent kitties who have learned to survive in difficult and poor circumstances, in a totally hostile and unforgiving environment.

For this reason, they tend to group together and form the so-called wild cat colonies.

The presence of an uninvited cat is a touchy subject for many people, and for a good reason. Especially when these animals come to our homes to use it as their own private bathroom, and dig around in our garden destroying it in the process.

When the cat in question is wild, in addition to just being plain annoying, it can be perceived as dangerous, since it is an animal that has not been domesticated. Especially since it can be a carrier for all sorts of parasites and diseases as well.

Consequently, even for animal lovers, these situations create a need for a cat repellent that really keeps them away without harming them and is effective and long lasting. Nobody likes having to constantly do the same work, over and over…

In this article, we will explain how to scare these cats away with natural and non-harmful remedies and methods that anyone can use at home with ease.

Just keep in mind that stray cats are independent and very active animals. They also have an enormous capacity to survive the toughest of situations, without anyone helping or feeding them as they know how to find their livelihood on their own.

If you are one of those who have ever been visited at home by these kittens, and you want to scare them away because they bother you, you are allergic to cats, or you are afraid that they might attack you or get your house cat pregnant in heat, there are several good home remedies that you can practice to achieve this.

In addition, in this article, we will also talk about other fun topics related to these interesting felines…let’s see!

getting rid of stray cats. wild cats inside house. stray cats in back yard. make wild cats leave.

Why Do Cats Come to Your House?

If stray cats have ever visited you, try to understand why they come to your house in the first place.

Only then can you find the right way to drive them away, once and for all.

Due to their feline nature, cats are very active animals and have multiple territories that can measure kilometres or more. This animal can set a different objective for each territory, such as: hunting, resting, exercising, going to the bathroom, playing, raising, etc.

Therefore, if cats enter your house, it is because they are going to do one of those activities in this “territory”.

Maybe they are raising in a quiet and comfortable area…your property.

They may come to eat in the container where you put the garbage, or hunt birds and other small animals on the terrace.

What’s more, they consider your home as a part of “their territory”, which means that sometimes they will poop, urinate, scratch and rub it with their face to show that it is theirs.

Believe me, do not take it personally. That cat that enters your property is only following her instincts and will make the right decisions if we just create the right conditions to do so, and guide them on the right path…

Therefore, if cats visit you, check that they are not breeding in any area of your property, and that you are not providing them with food without realizing it.

Also, try to make sure your property is not the ideal place for a cat to hunt birds and other small animals on its food chain and menu. Once you have verified this, and can certify that none of those conditions are met, then you can try to put some food away from your home.

If that does not work, then call the animal control for some extra help.

Why Do You Need to Get Rid of Them?

For the control of feline overpopulation and the sanitary control of the environment!

Also, nobody likes strange cats running around wild on their front porch…

They can be noisy, get into fights and get your trash all over the place which can be incredibly annoying to say the least.

And overpopulation really can become a big issue when it comes to stray cats…

In this sense, through their municipal powers, the City Councils have the job of collecting and transporting various abandoned animals, including feral cats.

These powers have a fixed period of days (usually 10 to 15 days) to proceed with their transfer or, ultimately, the animals slaughter unfortunately.

Given the difficulty of finding stable homes for these kitties (due to their lack of domestication and familiarity with us humans) in most cases, they await certain death crammed into the cages of these centers.

One of the reasons that have led to these work methods are:

  • The extraordinary feline fertility and the females ability to carry their pregnancies to a good term make these potential animals inhabitants of whatever spaces they have at their disposal….that must be controlled!
  • The problems caused by uncontrolled stray cat colonies in urban environments can be summarized as:
  • Deterioration of the health conditions of the environment in which the cats are fed (bad smells, dirt, scattering of garbage, animal droppings…)
  • Presence of associated pests and fleas.
  • Health risks in specific locations such as areas where children can play.
  • Safety risks such as accidents and assaults.
  • Neighborhood problems due to noise, meowing at night, fights between the animals…

However, thanks to a progressive awareness towards animals as a whole, especially cats, cats ethical treatment are beginning to be imposed.

Alternatives to the capture and euthanization of stray cats have emerged, reaching the conclusion that the most ethical and effective method for the control of cat colonies is the well-known T.N.R. (trap-castration-return), or also known as Vaccine Release Trials Trap. (TTVAR).

But sadly, some city ordinances and regional laws do not recognize feral cats.

Therefore, they lack specific measures to guarantee their protection and don’t really know how to deal with them right.

They are also considered to be “abandoned animals” with the consequences of safe slaughter. Besides, they legally prohibit feeding animals that are deemed abandoned on public roads and in any other place, such as plots or buildings.

This is for public health reasons, since these abandoned animals could turn these places into something of their own.

cats outside. cute cat photo. best cat blog. white and grey cats. three cats in a row.

Where and Why Do They Meet?

It must be taken into account that feral cats tend to live more precariously than purely domestic ones and they lack protection against diseases, in addition to not having any safe shelter from the elements and such.

Consequently, the stray cat tends to be drawn to “colonies”.

Being structured in colonies leads them to find territories where they can have their space to protect themselves and have some sources of food at their fingertips. Or paws.

In this sense, there are animal protection entities dedicated to preserving these colonies of feral cats, providing them with food and installing nice cabins that serve as shelters to give them a better quality of life.

Above all, they prevent these cat colonies from becoming a public health problem, as well as coexistence with the people in the community.

What’s more, these organizations are dedicated to sterilizing them which prevents uncontrolled reproduction and is better for their long term health.

The other thing to keep in mind is that if the cat colonies are not supervised, they can quickly become a community problem due to how fast cats can reproduce in them.

And as we have already seen and talked about earlier in this article, a growth in these conditions could easily cause public health and even ecological problems because they could even damage the populations of other wild species, especially birds.

Have you heard about how many birds your average house cat kills in a year? Now imagine a hundred wild cats who all need to hunt to survive…

However, although a stray cats existence offers some benefits to the community since it prevents the spread of other animals in their territories such as mice or rats, the control of these colonies is very important.

Also read: the different types of cats.

Get Rid of Them From Different Places

Do you want to scare away cats under the house or backyard?

One of the first things to consider when trying to learn how to get cats to leave is to try to understand them better. Remember, cats are very territorial, even aggressive, if you want to kick them out.

Once they arrive and have gotten comfortable they are not so easy to get rid of.

So, although it is uncomfortable and laborious to do some of these, here are the best tricks to scare the cats off your property forever:

  • Cover the garbage can well. Close the organic garbage bags tightly and put them in the containers securely so that nobody will get to them. Do not leave food scraps within the reach of cats. If they find it easy to rummage through the garbage in your neighborhood and can easily feed themselves there, it won’t be so straightforward for you to get rid of them.
  • If you have any birds or you like to feed wild birds, use feeders in high areas.
  • If you suspect that there may be any feral cats hiding in your garden, explore every corner well and thoroughly and you just might discover their secret hiding place.
  • Look for inaccessible holes, and be careful! Feral cats are dangerous if they feel threatened and they can easily cause quite the damage if they decide to unleash their fury upon you with their sharp claws or teeth…
  • Get in touch with the corresponding town hall to find the cats in your house. There are special services for collecting stray animals, which are also in charge of controlling colonies of animals and their sterilization.
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Tips and Tricks – Getting Rid Of Stray Cats

To scare the cats out of your house, we propose some practical measures that will not require too much effort and work very well.

  • Cat repellents bought in specialty stores are very effective and don’t harm them. These are a fantastic idea, since they are so easy to use and you won’t have to worry about hurting some innocent little animal. They are in spray bottles most of the time and you can spray some in certain areas of your house, and you will ensure that these stray cats do not enter your garden. It is a repellent for them really.
  • Use citrus in plants and pots. You can take advantage of the peels of lemons, oranges, or grapefruits and place them next to your garden plants. Citrus fruits as perfect as cat repellents and will also act as fertilizers for your plants.
  • There are some ideal plants to repel cats: They smell more than pleasant to us humans, but cats don’t like them at all and will avoid them like the plague. You can try planting thyme, lavender, eucalyptus, geraniums, or some basil, and the cats will be kept out of your garden. If you don’t have these types of plants, you can sprinkle thyme, basil, or a little cinnamon in your garden.
  • To prevent wild cats from nesting with their young, add pepper or coffee to holes and hiding places if you have discovered any. They are useful products to scare them away because the pepper makes them sneeze and makes them uncomfortable, and they also do not like the intensity of the coffee smell.
  • White vinegar is a powerful repellent to get rid of stray cats. Mixed with water, you can apply it in strategic places with a diffuser or a bottle.
  • Also, you can try fencing certain parts of your garden to protect them.
  • If the problem you have is that you want to help stray cats, but you have noticed that they destroy your garden or plants, then we recommend that you try feeding them outside and away from your home.
  • Spray your home against mice and rats so that there is no food or game in your house to attract them. It will be very difficult to try to keep them away if your home is filled with mice, which they love!
  • Explore your garden for any nests or shelters that they may be using for resting or breeding.
  • Look for any urine marks, feces, scratches and if you find any you should clean them with your usual detergent and then enzymatic odor removers. They can be drawn to places they have previously peed in, to mark their territory so you will want to clean it well. Not only will you eliminate the bad smell, you will also be completely removing the pheromones that the feline may have left in your home, which will prevent it from recognizing that area as its own.
  • Whenever you see urine or feces in your garden, remove it with a shovel (including the dirt around it). Then apply an enzymatic odor remover.

Also read: how to clean cat pee effectively.

What You Should Never Do to Get Rid of Stray Cats

  • Toxic products and poison are absolutely banned, especially in homes where there are children, because they can also be poisoned by accidents. For example, mothballs are very effective at scaring off felines, but they are highly toxic to us humans. Any poisonous or toxic product is banned because it can harm the cat, but we can also be in danger ourselves at the same time because they are so harmful to one’s health and well being.
  • Stray cats become aggressive if cornered and may attack.

Trying to scare it away is the wrong measure because you can get hurt if it attacks you, and the wound of a wild cat can be severe and easily infected.

Chemicals to Repel Stray Cats

Common sense tells us that if something smells terrible and very strong, it must work as a repellent.

The reality is that they are not efficient for more than a few hours and some can even be harmful to cats.

If none of the tips and remedies that we mentioned above about how to get rid of stray cats worked for you, it is time to use a concentrated repellent designed specifically to scare away cats without harming them.

Or…Put away your pride for a moment and call animal control for some help, we all need it from time to time.

I hope these tips can help you, and let us know what you think in the comments below.

orange cat with green eyes hiding behind fence. stray orange cat outside.

Author: Cathour

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