How Long Are Cats Pregnant?-Pregnancy In Cats

how long are cats pregnant

Animals are extraordinary beings that we spend our lives trying to understand better.

Whether they are domestic or wild, animals are beings that accompany us in one way or another throughout our lives and teach us how to be better human beings.

This is also the case when it comes to cats, a magnificent animal that for centuries was considered a divine figure worshiped by ancient civilizations, and that today still fascinates millions of people with it’s divine beauty and peculiar character…

If you are a cat owner, you have probably already discovered a thousand different things about this unique animal, but you may also have come up with all sorts of new questions about it’s behavior and reproductive cycle, especially if your pet is a young cat that you have sprayed or neutered already.

It is pretty common to get stray cats as pets, at least in some cases and with these types of cats we hardly know anything about them really.

Sometimes we don’t know anything about them such as: their age, breed, fertility, character, etc…

So, it is definitely a good idea to try to learn more about our little animals and investigate a little bit, and above all learn more about how their reproductive cycle works.

This is especially true since we could otherwise end up in a situation where we could have a pregnant cat at home and not even know it, with all the consequences that this would entail.

If you are really worried about your cat and want to know everything there is to know about how the pregnancy works, any possible changes in behavior and above all, how you can help her in all of this until the moment of delivery arrives.

In this article we will help you achieve just that, and it is incredibly important to take great care of our cat if it is in fact pregnant. It is a difficult time for any cat and being, and they are in need of our full support and care during that time, which we must provide.

I am going to try to explain in simple terms how to know if your cat is pregnant, but also explain how long cats are pregnant for, so you won’t have any doubts about it.

So, here is everything that a cat owner needs to know about feline pregnancy and all the best tips and tricks, to be able to successfully manage it.

Take note!

How Long Are Cats Pregnant?

The first question we need to answer is also one of the most important ones of all and the one that quite a few pet owners are usually very worried about: how long does a cat pregnancy last?

The experts on the subject do often not agree on the exact number of days a cat’s pregnancy lasts for, but it is clear that this period does not exceed two months and can last between 58 and 67 days.

The main problem with this is that the cats hardly show any symptoms until four weeks in, which makes it very complicated and difficult at times to try to calculate the exact duration of this process.

This is also why many people don’t know they have a pregnant until their condition is very, “advanced”, as you would call it.

This complicates their care even more and causes some people sadly to abandon them because they don’t know how to manage it right or be able to take care of the “babies” that are going to be born.

Since it can be so difficult to tell that your cat is pregnant, until it just suddenly is very pregnant indeed, it can cause many people to panic in this way and make bad decisions regarding their little animals.

pregnancy in cats. how long are cats pregnant. pregnancy symptoms in cats. is my cat pregnant?

Never Abandon Your Pregnant Cat

Now, if you are feeling for any reason like you can’t handle the situation and are on the verge of even panicking. Take a step back and try to just breathe and think logically.

Your cat is depending on you, especially in these times and is especially vulnerable and in need of your support!

Don’t even think about doing something like abandoning it or leaving it outside in a box somewhere, some people do that and it is always despicable.

This is your responsibility now, and it is your job to find solutions and give your cat friend the support it deserves in the challenging times it is going through.

If you feel stressed, just imagine how a pregnant abandoned cat must feel like, how confused and betrayed they must feel if you leave them.

So abandoning your cat is not an option.

If you feel like you can’t handle the situation, at least find other solutions such as calling a good friend who might help you or call an animal shelter or a vet for some advice on what to do next.

There are always better options than abandoning our animals.

This is also why it is vitally important to know the whole process and what the symptoms are that could give away a cat’s pregnancy, so that we can act quickly and prepare for the delivery.

Also read: how to get rid of stray cats.

Pregnancy Symptoms in Cats

As we have been explaining throughout the article, detecting our cat’s pregnancy prematurely can be a very difficult task for which we will need to be very well informed for.

Each cat is different and responds to pregnancy in a totally different way, depending mainly on her character and her breed.

So if we have a list of all the possible changes she might be experiencing during pregnancy at hand, this will help us detect her early and also help her better throughout the entire process.

Remember to take notes!

Darkening of the Nipples

One of the first signs of pregnancy in cats that we might detect early is the sudden darkening of our cat’s nipples.

During the first fifteen days, cats may experience their nipples changing color and size, doubling their volume and acquiring a very dark pink tone.(1.)

There are cats that will also begin to be bothered by being stroked in that area, something caused by the sensitivity of the nipples and this will gradually disappear after the birth.

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As in the first trimester of pregnancy in us humans, cats may also begin to experience unpleasant vomiting and morning sickness during the first few weeks of pregnancy.

However, if this vomiting is very persistent and lasts longer than normal, it could be a symptom of a more serious problem, so we should definitely take our cat to the vet to have her checked out for any possible complications.

Weight Gain

Weight gain during gestation is another symptom that felines share with humans, although the increase experienced by cats is significantly lower than that of humans in most cases.

Normally a pregnant cat will gain between one and two kilos of weight at most, since the kittens inside her have hardly any weight and will occupy very little space in her belly.

This quite unlike a human pregnancy, where mothers can double their usual weight until the moment of delivery.

Increased Appetite

Increased appetite in cats is often one of the most overlooked symptoms of a cat pregnancy.

There are after all many other reasons that can cause a cat to start eating a lot more than normal.

However, if this symptom is accompanied by all the others, we should start to consider that our pet is pregnant and that her condition is already starting to be somewhat advanced.

Usually, the increase in appetite is accompanied by a progressive weight gain, so if we notice that both symptoms occur simultaneously we can confirm that your cat is pregnant, and that everything is going according to plan.

Increased Affection

Cats also develop their maternal instinct during pregnancy, which makes sense.

They prepare for the arrival of their “children”, just as women do months before giving birth.

That is why during our cat’s pregnancy we can observe that her affection is increasing, that she looks for us more to caress her or even that she suddenly wants to sleep and rest near us.

I bet many of us won’t complain about this particular symptom, as it can be so nice to cuddle and get some extra attention from your lovely cat.

When we notice this, we should not push her away or make her feel that she is being too heavy, on the contrary.

On the contrary, we should take more care of her and stay much longer by her side until the time comes for her to give birth.

Cats, after all, are not so different from human beings when it comes to motherhood, and during their gestation they will need more rest and pampering….which they deserve.

Cute little things…

They will need some extra attention and pampering and care, just like a woman would before she became a mother for the first time.

Learn also how to read cat body language here.

pregnancy in cats symptoms. how to know if your cat is pregnant. lazy cat sleeping.

How to Act When Your Cat Goes Into Labor

We’ve explained everything you need to know to detect your cat’s pregnancy.

But, how will you know when it’s time for your cat to prepare for the birth?

Just like during pregnancy, our cat will show several very noticeable symptoms that will indicate that it is time, and labor is imminent.

Once we detect them, we will have to act quickly, giving her more space and preparing an intimate and airy place for her to stand and be in during the delivery.

It needs to be a safe and quiet, easily place for her to get to, that is soft and comfortable.

As for the physical changes that will indicate to us that our cat is going to give birth, we find:

  • A sudden drop in temperature, reaching 99 degrees Fahrenheit approximately. This will happen one or two days before the delivery.
  • Transparent or dark vaginal secretions or discharge fluids, which will hint to us that the arrival of the kittens is imminent and soon.
  • Severe and continuous abdominal pain resulting from the labor contractions, just like happens during a human birth.

As for the changes in our cat’s behavior that will indicate that her delivery is approaching, we will be also able to observe:

  • She will start to refuse any food and will eat a lot less than during the whole pregnancy.
  • The cat will emit and make some very sharp and persistent meows.
  • She will be agitated and will sleep much less.
  • She will compulsively clean herself, especially the belly and vulva area. This is instinctive behavior that cats have when they are ready to give birth.
  • She will not want anyone to touch her.
  • She may isolate herself and look for a lonelier place in the house because she will be preparing to give birth.

It is a great idea to have this place ready, and make sure your cat is aware of some safe and warm, quiet place it will be able to go to.

You can prepare a soft basket in your laundry room with blankets for example, which won’t have too much noise and foot traffic.

Will My Cat Give Birth at Home, or Should I Take Her to the Vet?

Finally, once we know how to detect pregnancy in cats, and also know when it is time to give birth, all that is left is to solve the following question….

Can my cat give birth at home without help or should I take her to a vet?

The general answer from most professionals regarding this issue is the following:

Cats are fully prepared to give birth without human intervention.

Now, this does not mean that we should not supervise the birth at all times, helping her to settle in once they are out, clean the area and make sure she is well at all times.

Don’t be too overbearing though and give her some space.

There is always a possibility that the birth may have some complication, and we may observe that our cat makes efforts and does not manage to get any babies out and is struggling too much.

If this happens we will have to take our cat quickly to a veterinary center or the vet, and if this is not possible, ask for a professional team to come to your house to check what is happening.

Once you know all this, your only job as a pregnant cat owner is to accompany her and be there for her.

Nature is wise and they are much more prepared to give birth than we think, but there can always be complications and that is when we must act right and save the day.

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Author: Cathour

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