Are Male Cats More Affectionate?: Male Cats VS Female Cats

male vs female cats

It isn’t that hard to tell the literal biological difference between male and female cats, but one may wonder if there is some difference between them personality wise.

There is not really any difference between male and female cats that is worth looking at or even mentioning.

That is, once they have been neutered or sprayed, but if there is a difference in their behavior and personality it will be because they have not been neutered yet.

You can not look solely at the gender of a cat when choosing one for yourself, as there is no guarantee that the female or male cat you pick will be either of those things, affectionate or loyal.

Both cat genders can be those things and it depends more on the specific feline and it’s upbringing, genetics and such.

Many people often think that either male or female cats are more friendly, social or affectionate though and let’s look a bit more into this now shall we…

are male or female cats more affectionate. are male cats friendlier than female cats

are male or female cats more affectionate?

Why Do People Think This Is The Case?

There is a certain myth going around that male cats are more loving and affectionate, because a female cat’s mothering instinct makes it prefer other cats more be more cold towards us.

Is this really true?

It really does depend on the cat and both male and female cats can be this way so there is not any real gendered difference like this myth suggests.

If so, it is way less of a intense and dramatic difference than the myth makes it out to be.

Both male and female cats can love being around their particular humans and spend time with them. Social cats such as Maine Coon or Siamese are notorious for being clingy at times and wanting to be around us almost always.

Siamese cats can even get sad or depressed when their “owners” leave them for too long by themselves as they get very attached and are sensitive beings.

But, the vast majority of cats are natural loners and if they want company they tend to only seek out their owners for that. Except for when they go out looking for mates of course.

The upbringing of the animal is a huge part of how social and affectionate they will end up being. Wild cats for example are not socialized to be around humans and they will be way more cautious, aggressive and skeptical of people than a domesticated house cat would be.

A wild cat would not need to be pet as much as it would be more independent. But when cats are socialized to be around people from the time they are tiny kittens then they will be way more friendlier and affectionate.

It makes perfect sense for a cat to show more affection and love if it grew up in a loving environment.

Some Notable Differences Between Male and Female Cats

There are some people that swear by their male cats being more affectionate and caring towards them.

There are some cases and instances where this is so widely said that it may actually be true:

are male cats friendlier than female cats. are male cats more affectionate after neutering? cat gender difference.
are male cats friendlier than female cats really?

Male Maine Coon Cats

It is widely believed and accepted that male Maine Coon cats are often more affectionate than their female counter part.

These large fluffy cats are majestic “beasts” almost, considering how large they can get and they are one of the most stunning cat breeds you can get.

They are still considered to be one of the most social and friendlier breeds, but the male ones in particular. The female Maine Coons are said to be more relaxed, independent and laid back while the male ones love your attention and being the center of it.

The British Shorthair

A lot of cat lovers and cat fans say that male British Shorthair cats are more affectionate towards their humans than the female ones are.

Still it depends on the cat and it is not an unbreakable rule, but very worth mentioning.

Male Siamese Cats

Most people who have spent some time around these wacky and fun felines will agree that the male ones seem to be more cuddly and social than the females.

siamese cat breed. siamese cat personality. siamese cats affectionate.

Is There a Personality Difference?

When it comes to observing any notable difference in the behavior of male or female cats, it is the most dramatic when they have not been sprayed or neutered.

Male cats who are in their sexually mature stage tend to be more aggressive than their female counterparts, spray around the house and can even want to try to escape into the outside world to cause trouble.

Non-neutered male cats like to leave the house to roam the world freely and look for a mate and explore, but once they get neutered this desire to leave far and explore becomes much weaker.

Female cats like do do this as well, but the real difference in this behavior can be seen after neutering and spraying.

Female cats on the other hand are more loving during those stages, being more vocal and wanting to rub against practically everything in their path while they may normally act more independent.

This depends greatly on the cat though as you can not put them all into some defining boxes. (even if cats love those…)

But many female cats also spray while in heat as many male cats can be very loving and affectionate as well.

It is recommended to neuter and spray your cat since it often fixes behavioral problems and makes them more manageable as a whole. Also, it is not exactly easy to suddenly have to deal with a whole litter of little kittens unexpectedly, even if they are incredibly cute.

But basically, it is only when they have not been sprayed or neutered when you can really tell a difference between them. It is just not visible otherwise and they are very similar and act alike, once that has been done.

If you are hoping to be able to foresee a cat’s personality by gender alone you are gonna have a bad time.

Things such as the cat’s genetics, how it was raised and treated in the past, it’s breed, among many other things like that will matter much more than the gender itself, personality wise.

The personality of the cat’s mother or parents also influences how it will turn up and it’s personality.

Interesting to think about, because we humans tend to often resemble our parents a bit and they do influence how many of our core personality traits will be.

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Personality Difference Before Spraying/Neutering

Male cats that have not been neutered are territorial creatures and they are ready to take action if another cat wanders into their dedicated territory.

This is why they often end up in cat fights or even injured sadly.

There are many other things than gender though that can be the cause of aggression in cats, so don’t just assume it is because of it being a male cat if that is the case.

Getting it neutered may fix the issue though, considering.

Though, female cats are territorial as well and it really just depends on the individual cat and it’s personality and mood at the given moment.

Scared cats will lash out when cornered or threatened, so aggression lurks inside every feline if they get pushed or forced to use it.

This is why it is said that you should never corner a wild animal or a cat.

are male cats friendlier? female cats less friendly. cat gender personality differences.

Is This True For All Cat Breeds?

To make it clear, this is not the case for every cat as they are each different and unique individuals with distinct personality differences just like we humans do.

There is no guarantee that any cat is going to act a certain way or have some pre-determined personality traits even if there is a more noticeable difference in the cat genders before they have been neutered.

Of course, the different cat breeds have distinct personality traits and you can expect a Siamese cat for example to be more active and vocal than most others.

But, is there a gendered difference between the cat breeds, with male cats being more affectionate?

Not really. At least not before spraying or neutering.

But, a few cat breeds are the exception to the rule as mentioned above such as the Maine Coon, Siamese and British Shorthair variety.

Are Male Cats More Friendly?

No, they are not, generally speaking. It depends on each cat and both male and female cats can be either friendly or not so friendly.

Are male cats more affectionate after neutering?

Male cats normally tend to show signs of hostility and aggression before being neutered as they grow up and mature sexually.

After it being done, they will not be as territorial and will not spray constantly all over the place like before.

They will also be less likely to get some diseases like feline leukemia, which is a big plus.

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are male cats more affectionate, and do male cats prefer female owners?

Do male cats prefer female owners?

Sorry boys, one study showed that cats often tend to prefer female owners to male ones, so there is something that may point towards a preference, even if it is very hard to actually claim this to be true.

Of course, this is not written in the clouds and it depends on the cat which they will prefer more, or won’t even prefer at all.

But in the study, the researchers observed how 41 cats interacted with people and their owners during different times and situations.

They noticed that the cat’s distinct personalities played a huge role in this study and the outcome, so it means that a cat’s personality matters a lot.

They are headstrong and smart animals after all.

But the study showed that the “owners” and the cats actually influenced each others behaviors which means we are very tuned into one another.

The cats approached women and female owners more frequently than the male ones and appeared to be more fond of them, especially extroverted looking women.

The same research also showed that cats tend to remember when we treat them kindly and they will return the favor later on.

I swear, the more I learn about these fascinating animals the more I adore them, they are amazing.

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10 Most Affectionate Cat Breeds

Now, since you are hoping for an affectionate cat, instead of just blindly looking at their gender, maybe you should try looking into these cat breeds instead.

But these are all known for being the most caring, friendliest, and loving ones around.

  • Siamese Cats
  • Ragamuffin Cats
  • Sphynx
  • Ragdoll
  • Persian Cats
  • Scottish Fold
  • Burmese
  • Tonkinese
  • Birman
  • Maine Coon

If you choose any of these cat breeds which tend to be either very friendly, vocal, caring, energetic, loyal, or social then you are bound to find a fantastic companion to bond easily with and cherish.

Some cat breeds such as the Siamese can be rather mean at times to people, but the thing is that they have such a colorful and versatile personality which makes them able to show such a deep range of interesting emotions.

They can be incredibly loving and caring animals, and fantastic to be around as they can be so entertaining.

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Should I Get a Male or Female Cat Then?

Now, it does depend on your preferences and what you are looking for, and have in mind.

The personality difference won’t be too much after spraying, so trying to choose one gender because of personality alone is not such a good idea or necessary.

Both cat genders can be fantastic companions and can both either be lively, grumpy, sassy, energetic, calm, timid, or confident…

It does not really matter when it comes to picking out the perfect cat and you should go with your instinct when meeting the cat itself and not discriminate against one gender or another.

If you want to find a perfect cat companion then visiting a shelter can be a great idea as you will be able to see all the different cats and see if you like anyone in particular.

You can then observe how they act, and choose a cat with a temperament and behavior traits that you prefer.

Don’t feel pressured to hurry for any reason and make sure to take your time to choose carefully as it is a big commitment to pick a cat, and a big responsibility for years to come.

If you feel undecided, then simply leave the shelter and go home to think things over or to clear your head to decide better.

You do not have to make a decision immediately and you can always return later to make a final decision. Just make sure that if you like any cat in particular, that they will not be “gone” soon and there is always a risk of them being gone or already adopted if you take to long to decide.

Still, make sure you are ready and well decided before choosing a cat or a kitten to take home with you.

The gender should not be the decision driver, but the cat itself and it’s personality.

Many people who have owned quite a few cats still insist on male cats being more affectionate, but there is no way to prove this and nothing that points to it scientifically speaking.

There are some differences between male and female cats as they mature, but the cat’s history and genetics will be way more important in determining the final personality of a cat.

Instead of thinking that there is a personality difference between male and female cats, be aware that instead there is really a difference between non-neutered cats and neutered ones.

Neutering them can benefit their health greatly and also make them calmer and more behaved, so it is definitely worth looking into.

boy hugging cat in garden.

Author: Cathour

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