Why Do Cats Drool?: Drooling In Cats Explained

drooling in cats

Cats are very common pets that many people own. They are smaller than dogs so they can be kept in apartments, but they are still some of the most adorable creatures.

If you are a pet owner, you definitely know that having a cat involves a lot of hard work, from cleaning their litterbox daily to ensuring that your cat eats a healthy and balanced diet.

On top of that, there are many small things that can indicate the health and wellbeing of your kitty.

For instance, did you know that cats can drool? And as opposed to dogs, it may be something that is a cause of concern.

Why do cats drool?

Drooling in cats has many reasons, not all of which mean that something serious is happening.

However, as always, it’s best to be safe than sorry.

Here are some reasons that your cat might be drooling.

1. Your cat may be sick.

If your cat starts rolling suddenly and that has never happened before, it could be a symptom of something physical occurring.

In fact, research has shown that your cat may be drooling when it’s in pain.

The reason behind the pain might be stomatitis, an inflammation of the mouth and lips, or some type of gum disease.

If you suspect that some type of ailment might be the root cause of your feline friend’s drooling, then make an appointment with the vet.

2. There is something stuck in your cat’s throat.

Another reason that your cat might be drooling could be because your kitty has eaten something that is now stuck in its esophagus.

For example, your cat could have chewed on a toy, house plant, or some other small object that now obstructs its breathing, thus resulting in drooling.

This could especially be the reason if your kitty goes outside since there are a lot of things that it might eat that are outside of your control.

If you think that might be the case, try looking into your cat’s throat and call your veterinarian.

Also read: are roses poisonous to cats?

3. Your cat ate something that tasted bad/went off.

Just as humans, cats don’t like eating foods that taste bad.

For instance, if your cat has taken something off your plate without you noticing and it wasn’t particularly to his liking, your kitty might start drooling to get rid of the taste.

Generally, if that’s the case, your cat should stop drooling within an hour or so. Furthermore, if a cat ingests something poisonous, it usually throws up so it probably isn’t life-threatening.

Nevertheless, remember that you know your cat best so if you see something that is uncharacteristic for your pet, call your vet.

4. Your cat is anxious or stressed.

Cats are known not to like change so if you expose your pet to something stressful, such as a visit to the vet, a sudden move, or putting it in a transporter, it might freak out and start drooling.

This is cats’ reaction to stress since their salivary glands are overstimulated when your kitty is anxious or nervous.

If that is the reason behind the drooling, wait until your cat calms down and the drooling should stop as well.

why do cats drool? drooling in cats. reasons why cats drool.
why do cats drool? drooling in cats can have many reasons…

5. Your cat is afraid.

Similarly to experiencing anxiety, your cat might be scared.

Remember that cats don’t have the ability to tell their owners that they are scared or what they are feeling and experiencing. As a result, they use different ways of showing us what’s going on.

If the drooling is caused by fear, it might be accompanied by shaking. To prevent that, try taking your cat away from the stressor and wait for it to calm down and feel safe again.

6. Your cat is happy and relaxed.

On the other hand, some cats drool when nothing is wrong. In fact, some kitties drool when they are happy.

For certain cats, happy drooling is associated with kneading as well since your pet is extremely relaxed around you.

If that’s the reason, then nothing is wrong with your cat — in actuality, it is just part of their personality and it shows that they are happy.

To put it simply, some cats are droolers, and that’s perfectly okay.

What does drooling in cats look like?

Drooling in cats looks just like it does in other pets, such as dogs.

A little drool from time to time is nothing to be worried about, but if it’s a huge amount and it never happens normally, you might want to start doing some research and calling your vet.

Normally, drooling in cats occurs for a reason, such as an illness, reaction to stress, consuming some bad food, or anxiety.

Generally, if drooling is caused by one of those, then once the stimulant is gone, your cat should stop drooling.

is drooling in cats a bad thing?

Is drooling in cats a bad thing?

As listed above, there are many reasons that your cats might be drooling. Some cats simply drool a lot, while for others, it might be a sign of something seriously wrong.

As always, observe your pet carefully since you will be the only one to figure out if the drooling is something that is natural to your cat or if it’s something to be worried about.

Keep in mind that every change in your pet’s behavior that is drastic and uncommon is a cause for concern.

By showing signs such as drooling, your feline companion might be trying to tell you that something is bothering it or whether it is feeling good or not.

So pay attention to symptoms like this.

Do all cats drool?

Depending on the cause, not all cats drool.

Some cats are droolers by nature, and if that is the reason behind this reaction, then there isn’t much you can do to combat that, but it also means that nothing is wrong with your kitty.

Conversely, most cats will drool when they are hurt, in pain, or anxious.

So if you notice that your cat (that has never drooled before) all of a sudden developed a habit or drooling, contact your vet as it may be a sign that something bad is happening.

Also read: Why do cats rub against you?

What does it mean if a cat starts drooling suddenly?

If your cat has never drooled before (whether when happy or anxious), it might indicate that something is hurting it.

If you think that that’s the reason, then give your vet a call and explain the situation.

Furthermore, your cat could have also consumed something that didn’t taste good. In this case, the drooling should subside in a short while and stop in a bit.

Can cats drool when teething?

It is relatively common for kittens to drool when teething. At around 11 weeks, kitties start losing their baby teeth and their permanent ones start coming out.

This can often cause drooling as it is painful and uncomfortable for your feline friend.

If drooling is caused by teething, you will know since your kitten will try to bite you to get rid of the uncomfortable sensation in its mouth.

why do cats drool?

Do cats drool at the sight of food?

Unlike dogs, cats are unlikely to drool when you feed them. However, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen.

Just like some cats drool when receiving attention, some of them might drool when they are about to be fed. If your cat drools when it sees food, then it is no cause for concern — it’s simply thrilled to eat!

Also read: The best top entry cat litter box around.

How to get your cat to stop drooling?

If the drooling is caused by a physical ailment, then a visit to the vet and figuring out the root cause should result in your cat no longer drooling.

On the other hand, if the drooling is caused by fear of anxiety, removing your cat from the stressful situation and letting it calm down should make the drooling stop as well.

Nevertheless, some cats are droolers. If that’s the case, there isn’t much you can other than place a towel on your lap when you pet it.

Take it as a compliment though — your cat is enjoying your company so much that it drools in bliss!

Why do cats drool when you pet them?

Cats drool when you pet them because they are happy.

Not all cats do that though, but if your furry friend is one of the droolers, then be happy about it and try not to change this behavior or be upset as your cat can’t help it.

Drooling when petted is also often accompanied by kneading, which is another reaction that your cat has when happy and content.

When drooling is caused by happiness, your cat may also purr and want more attention than usual.

It is nothing to be concerned about and most of the time, it is something that your cat has been doing for a long time now and it is simply a part of its personality and character.

Think of it this way: Just like some people are snorers, some cats are droolers. And that doesn’t indicate any serious ailments or necessarily mean that there is anything wrong with them.

It is just a part of who they are.

woman petting cat. woman giving cat treats outside. cat outside in leaves getting fed.

Author: Cathour

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